The Pacific Northwest: Past, Present and Future - Instructional Resource Packet (5th Edition)
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The Instructional Resource Packet (Teachers Manual) is a one-stop educational shopping center. This manual provides the instructor, no matter his or her experience level, with a quick, well organized reference guide to make their teaching more effective and efficient.
The manual will assist teachers in six ways, these include:
1. The manual is an extensively written and valuable instructional tool for your professional classroom use. It should make your challenging task easier and help your students become better informed.
2. The manual is a 517 page product organized, designed and produced for the classroom instructor and/or curriculum specialist.
3. The manual is not bound but comes in an attractive notebook binder. With the purchase of the product, any page may be reproduced for student and/or classroom use.
4. The manual is divided into 6 units and 22 chapters that correlate with the information and activities provided in The Pacific Northwest: Past, Present, and Future, 5th Edition - Textbook.
Each unit has the following:
- Unit Rationale
- Unit Content Summary
- Unit Student Learning Objectives (8-14)
- Unit Exit Assessment
- Unit Comprehensive Exams
- These include 50-100 multiple-choice questions, essay questions, matching, and chronological sequencing exercises
- Complete answer keys are provided for these comprehensive unit examinations
- Unit Map Tests
5. All 22 chapters include the following teaching aids:
- Chapter Rationale
- Chapter Content Summary
- Chapter Student Learning Objectives
- Chapter Scope and Sequence Chart
- (1 year course, 1 semester course, and 5 curriculum sequences)
- Chapter Central Concepts (including ideas, people, places, or events)
- Suggested Teaching Strategies and Learning Activities
- Chapter Enrichment Activities
6. In addition you will find detailed and expanded answers for all student activities in the textbook, answer keys for chapter assessment tests “Part One” and “Part Two” plus any map tests are included.
Product Details
- Product: Binder/Manual
- Title: The Pacific Northwest: Past, Present and Future - Instructional Resource Packet (Teachers Manual)
- Author: Dale A. Lambert
- ISBN 10: 0-939688-39-5
- ISBN 13: 978-0-939688-39-5
- Publisher: Directed Media Inc.
- Publication Date: 2006
- Edition: Fifth
- Printed: United States of America
- Material: 1 - (3-Ring)
- BinderSize: 11.5" (w) x 11.5" (h) x 2.63" (d) 3-Ring
- BinderSize: 8.5" (w) x 11.0" (h)
- Reproducible Pages: Yes
- Weight: 6.0 lbs.
- Format: Black and White
- Number of Pages: 517 Pages; 6 Units and 22 Chapters plus Supplements
- Age Level: Secondary (9th-12th Grade)
Other Books by Dustin Clark
- Washington: A State of Contrasts (2nd edition)
- Washington: A State of Contrasts - Teachers Manual (2nd edition)
- The Pacific Northwest: Past, Present and Future (5th edition)
Other Books by Dale Lambert
- Washington: Past and Present (1st edition)
- Washington: Past and Present - Teachers Manual (1st edition)
- Washington: A State of Contrasts (1st and 2nd editions)
- Washington: A State of Contrasts - Teachers Manual (1st and 2nd editions)
- The Pacific Northwest: Past, Present and Future (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th editions)
- The Pacific Northwest: Past, Present and Future - IRP/Manual (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th editions)